

We currently offer three complexity workshops that are based on one of the most highly validated approaches to complexity, which is supported by several hundred published scientific studies, the Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC)*. MHC is a formal theory of complexity with cognitive-developmental origins. Click here for a brief introduction to MHC. Click here for a more thorough introduction to MHC. Click here and here for an advanced introduction to the mathematics of MHC. 

*Aiden is currently preparing a manuscript for publication on the merits of MHC (which is the approach to complexity he was originally trained in) relative to other approaches to cognitive development currently in the market.

Some of the leadership variables predicted by stages from the Model of Hierarchical Complexity

Workshop 1 - Learning about stages of complexity

  • Intact teams, project teams or other training groups.

  • Learning outcomes:

    • Learn more about the distinctions between the six main types of adult development theories i.e., cognitive-developmental (Commons et al., 1998; Commons & Pekker, 2008), constructive-developmental (Kegan, 1982), Gravesian life conditions (Cowan & Todorovic, 2005), ego development (Cook-Greuter, 1990, 2002; Loevinger, 1976; Torbert, 2013), neo-ego development (O’Fallon & Barta, 2018), spiritual development (Wilber, 2007);

    • Learn about the distinctions between theory, measurement, and interventions and potential implications for leadership;

    • Get introduced to the Model of Hierarchical Complexity and how the orders of hierarchical complexity may support leaders’ sense-making.

  • Approximately half a day (depending on number of participants). The workshop can be run online or face-to-face.

Workshop 2 - Measuring the stage of complexity of leadership teams (currently being validated)

  • Intact leadership team, project teams or individuals that are grappling with a complex issue (e.g., organisational, social, political, ethical issues etc), or are seeking professional development.

  • This workshop is informed by the MHC and a variety of other complexity-based theories and introduces participants to various experiential activities to make sense of a complex issue that the team / group is actually dealing with. The purpose of this workshop is not to learn about the MHC or orders of complexity, but to apply them in a very practical way to actually make sense of a complex issue. At the end of the workshop, participants typically have a more complex, broader, and deeper understanding of their issue and how to engage with it more successfully. We are currently piloting and refining this workshop.

  • The sensemaking workshop is customisable and modular. This means that teams or groups have a number of options as to how the sensemaking workshop is run e.g., three consecutive days (typical minimum) to shorter modules over several months (3 hours every fortnight). The workshop can be run online or face-to-face.

Workshop 3 - Making sense of a complex issue i.e., organisational, social, political, etc.

  • Intact leadership teams (from middle managers through to senior executives).

  • Undertake an assessment of team development based on The Model of Hierarchical Complexity to assess a) the stage of complexity of your leadership team, b) the breadth of perspectives taken, c) the depth of sensemaking, d) team dynamics that unfold. This workshop is currently being piloted and refined. We are currently running a number of pilot studies on this approach to measurement.

  • Approximately 2 - 3 hours (depending on number of participants). The workshop can be run online or face-to-face.

Let’s explore leading in complexity in a collaborative and supportive way…